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Desert Crisis

Two weeks before Kenya’s 53rd independence day celebrations, a secret meeting was held in Guangzhou, China, where the African Union of Left Handed Presidents was meeting secretly with a North Korean delegation on how best to dispose nuclear garbage in a deal sponsored by the Chinese government through the IMF.


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Two weeks before Kenya’s 53rd independence day celebrations, a secret meeting was held in Guangzhou, China, where the African Union of Left-Handed Presidents was meeting secretly with a North Korean delegation on how best to dispose of nuclear garbage in a deal sponsored by the Chinese government through the IMF.

The attendees must be conversant with nuclear physics as well as the Chinese language, which is the preferred medium of communication at the secret meeting.

The granduncle does not have a Chinese-speaking nuclear physicist, and for this reason, requests his personal cardiologist to find him one.

Unable to find one, Dr. Mlachi settles for Dr. Sally Mungai, who has a working knowledge of Chinese but studied Gynecologic Oncology instead of Nuclear Physics.

When cases of cancer become increasingly prevalent from the Upper Eastern region of the country, Dr. Mlachi investigates and decides to stop the program at all costs.

Will he succeed?


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